- American Scrap
- John Seabrook
- The remaking of an old-school trade.
Q. Is Seabrook focusing more on the scrap trade today or it's origins and history? What do you think about the characters and the jargon? Does he capture the spirit of recycling or the joy of destruction?
- The films of Otto Preminger.
- David Denby
Q. What makes this such a readable story? Is it Denby's prose, Preminger's life and antics, the trappings of Hollywood and it's stars of the time? If you've seen any of the movies, do you agree with DD's assessments?
Q. JS claims "jobs numbers ... are much better than their critics say they are but nowhere near as good as investors believe them to be". Does he prove that in his essay? Or is it an unprovable, but uncontroversial claim? Do gamblers care?
- The Spymaster
- Lawrence Wright
- The new director of National Intelligence has a controversial plan to tighten national security.
Q. Reorganizing the intelligence community, like the armed forces, appears to be a good thing. Still there's many complicated aspects to McConnell. Should he be trusted? Is it a moral community? Is the spy game "good against evil"? "us against them"?