- Home Ec Dept.: Soup to Nettles
How to be a good Russian housewife.
by Julia Ioffe - Q. What's the "guy" equivalent of this episode? Is the author of the book more or less absurd than the recipient trying to use it?
Fitness Dept.: Kranking It
A new workout from the inventor of Spinning.
by William Finnegan - Q. First, there's a bike with no locomotion. Now, you don't even sit on it. Next big stupid fad? Imaginary stationary bike?
Dear Diary Dept.: The Cross-Eyed Queen
Queen Claude’s prayer book, at the Morgan Library.
by Rebecca Mead
A Soldier’s Legacy
What a major killed in Iraq couldn’t tell.
by Ben McGrath
Q. Are there truths found in Rogers' story? What surprised you? What should happen with the insurance money? With his possessions?