Issue of January 12, 2009

January 12, 2009

JANUARY 12, 2009

Q. Barney Frank claims not everyone should be a homeowner. Is federal assistance for affordable housing a fair exchange for the mortgage interest deduction of homeowners? What about those in the middle?

The Speech
Inaugural Addresses, great and otherwise.
by Jill Lepore
Q. What are the strong elements of Lepore's essay? Where is it weak?

Face Time

The staff photographers Martin Schoeller and Steve Pyke talk about how they got their start in photography, how they research their subjects, and how assignments for The New Yorker differ from work for other magazines. Schoeller and Pyke are featured in “Portraiture Now: Feature Photography” at the National Portrait Gallery, in Washington, D.C., through September 27, 2009.