Issue of July 29, 2013

The Talk of the Town

Babel Dept.

Eurenglish 101
by Lauren Collins

Streamlining the E.U.’s English.
On the Waterfront

by Nick Paumgarten

A battle over ferry noises in Battery Park City.
The Financial Page

E-book vs. P-book
by James Surowiecki

The demise of Nook and the future of Barnes & Noble.

American Chronicles

Think Fast
by Patricia Marx

Working out at the brain gym.
Annals of Medicine

Slow Ideas
by Atul Gawande

Why innovations don’t always catch on.
Notes of a Gastronome

Cooking with Daniel
by Bill Buford

Re-creating classics from French cuisine.

The Critics

The Current Cinema

Timely Projects
by David Denby

“Fruitvale Station,” “Blue Jasmine.”